Future of Branding week

5 days of talks, round-table discussions, fireside chats, mini-workshops, studio visits and case study deep dives.  30 designers from the world met in London. Sharing, talking, thinkg about the branding! I had a unique opportunity...

Strategic branding, identity and brand experience course

This course at the Central Martins of London was absolutely illuminated course for my background in brand design. I had opportunity to received skills and different methology about the strategy, design, thanks the teacher Marc...

Advance Creativity Coaching Training

After Introduction to Creativity Coaching Training I attended this the second part of the course. The Advanced Creativity Coaching Training helped me to improve the technique and to learn how to effectively coach writers, visual artists and...

Introduction to Creativity Coaching Training

Introduction to Creativity Coaching Training is a course for artists, creatives, actors and performers. Creativity Coaching Training is a 16-week and thanks this course I received the skills to how to boost my creativity and...

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